Smile and. the world smiles with us
            You wanna make a Gobbledygoo movie with us?
                       This is a reality movie so watch out!
You can't get out of the movie! That's Catch 33. If you try to get out of my movie you will
be caught as someone trying to get out of my movie. We are all stuck in the movie of life. This is the scene where you are reading this. We are watching you from a distance! 

 Hanna No It            Hanna Gesit           Hanna Hah Hah         Gobbledygoo Movie Producers 

Our names are Nice, do you like?  When you don't now your Hanna No It,  Hanna Gesit or Hanna Hah Hah Numbers in  Gobbledygoo Arithmetic for Missing Possums, we guess or
know them for you. And we can do it free for pensioners and rich tight arses or just three potatos for the others. 
and if i get it right  you won't have
a blody clue how  I do it, will you?
I told you I am watching  you from a distance yes you and ewe and u

                                    Hanna Gesit

          Horizontal Gobbledygoo Number                                Vertical Hanna Gesit  Number
Yeah yeah Hanna Gesit what about me? Huh? I can do Gobbledygoo Numbers and I can jump piddles...
just three bananas or one big pineapple
Price List: 
5 potatos for your SMART number
5 potatos for your POCUS number
10 tomatos for your ABORIGENOUS number
10 tomatos for your MINDREADING number
and I don't Gesit I No it! And you won't have
a bloody clue how I No it, will you?
I'm not going to beat the bush around. I am MADAM X and I charge One Australian politician's life in Bedded Bliss and he gets the Gobbledygoo Secrets. Look give us a million and I'll tell you your Real Digee Number for free 
Eye can do Gobbledygoo Number Predictions with my eyes. Eye can predict the Hanna No It Cider  Prediction Number backwards and you won't have a bloody clue how eye do it.